Fulham Dental Care, 516-518 Fulham Road, Fulham, SW6 5NJ

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

This is a porcelain cover, which is stuck onto the front surface of the tooth. It is indicated in those cases where there are dark internal stains which cannot be removed with tooth whitening. Veneers can also be used to make teeth look straighter although orthodontic braces are normally the best method to straighten teeth.

In some cases to get a perfect smile you may need gum re-contouring as well. At your first appointment, the dentist will need to take study models so that the case can be carefully planned. At the next appointment, he will shape the front surface of the tooth so that there will be enough space for the veneers to be fitted. A mold will be taken and this is then given to our dental lab.

The dentist and the lab technician, with your help, will decide on the best shade for your veneers so that the end result will look exactly like natural teeth. Temporary veneers are then fitted until you return a few days later when the final veneers are cemented. The lab will also make us a special night guard which is to be worn during sleep so as to prevent damage to the veneers if you should grind your teeth together while you are sleeping.